It's been awhile since I've really thoroughly enjoyed taking landscape or still life photographs. When I first started exploring photography, I thought that that would be my main focus. But lately I've been really focused on portraits and capturing the beauty of Gods image imprinted in peoples faces.
A few weeks ago I took a road trip across the country with my sisters, and one of my favorite parts of the trip was when we were driving through Montana and Wyoming, and we were crossing over these beautiful rolling hills. My older sister Karen who is an art major, started geaking out about all the different colors of the fields and farmland, and then I started squealing about how beautiful the detail was, and how lovely that fence looked sitting on the side of a hill, or how wonderful the lighting was at that moment. Meanwhile, my sister Clara, the musician, was in the backseat saying "I don't get it guys...". It was pretty funny. But anyway. Point being, I've been developing my eye for landscape recently, and it's been pretty fun. I think it's a little bit trickier for me, there's a lot more to put into perspective when you're shooting big open spaces. You have to think more about what's the most important part of the picture, and what can I do to compliment it and make sure people know that it is the most important part. And I think there's also more of a chance of getting things you really don't want in your frame, so you have to be more aware of your surroundings. When I was taking these photos on the lake, I had to be careful that I didn't capture the ladies suntanning on the beach, all bikini clad and such. For me, that would ruin the picture. But who knows. Maybe that would add something for some people... Some people.
I'm not gonna lie, I feel kind of ridiculous talking about photography when I don't really know the language at all and have no credibility on the subject. But I don't know. These are the observations I'm making right now. And I think it's important to write those down so as not to forget them. Even if they are ridiculous and simple observations.
Basically, I like to take pictures.
Movin right along.